Occultic;nine Wiki
Kirikiri Basara (anime)

Kirikiri Basara as seen in the anime adaptation.

Kirikiri Basara is an occult aggregator blog run by Yuta Gamon. Every day, he picks occult-related news stories for his readers to debunk scientifically.



Kirkiribasara logo
  • Kiri Kiri Basara is a not-for-profit website created by fans for the Science Adventure series reporting on the latest series news to keep English-speaking fans up to date on all recent SciADV happenings.
Terminology New World SystemScandiumWardenclyffe GunSkysensor
Organizations Kirikiri BasaraMumuSociety for Psychical ResearchMusashino Medical GroupThe Society of the Eight Gods of FortuneCommittee of 300
Locations Café BloomoonSeimei High SchoolOdd Eye